
The Business Of Waste Management

Have you ever stopped to think of what would happen if there was no one to remove our rubbish. How fast it would accumulate, how fast would we be under a pile of rubbish. Think if there was no organised system in place to remove all of it, our lives, lifestyle would soon become intolerable, diseases and possible life expectancy would diminish. Putting it this way, waste management and now recycling is absolutely crucial to our way of life Waste management is a multi-billion dollar business whose duties include gathering up the waste and garbage generated by the general public and businesses. The big trucks that collect household garbage and compress it into a neatly compacted load start early in the morning as they make their rounds. Routes are scheduled to pick up household garbage usually once or twice a week. A typical day for the crew on a garbage truck might include picking up and emptying the garbage cans and other containers full of refuse at 200 or more homes. The professional crew works quickly to perform their duties on schedule. A prominent billionaire built his fortune by collecting garbage. Did you know that the former owner of the Miami Dolphins, Florida Marlins and Florida Panthers got his start in waste management?, What Wayne Huizenga did was to start with a single truck that he used to collect garbage in Chicago and as he earned money, he bought smaller waste management companies until he had formed one of the largest waste management companies in the United States. His philosophy of buying virtually indestructible steel dumpsters and then renting them out over and over again led to his becoming one of the wealthiest men in America. All of that was possible Cleaning Wash Kit because Americans continue to generate so much waste and refuse that needs to be hauled away. A recycling and waste management company that deals with everything including household trash, construction materials, toxic Fathers Day Gifts chemicals and yard waste must be environmentally sensitive in the way they dispose of such waste. Landfills are designed to accept most waste. Biodegradable solid waste is dumped in a big hole and eventually covered with dirt, creating a small mountain. Over time, grass grows on the man-made mountain and the paper and other biodegradable refuse breaks down and returns to the earth. The process can take hundreds of years to complete and must be carefully monitored to assure no harmful chemicals are accidentally buried along with the safer materials. Hazardous materials like cleaning compounds, paint and motor oil are given special attention and disposed of in steel drums and other environmentally sound ways. Crews that collect garbage have to be very careful in how they handle it. Lifting heavy objects like old appliances, construction debris and the like can be dangerous. Most times, specialized equipment will drop off a dumpster and the client will fill it with garbage that can weigh thousands of pounds and then call to have it removed. The driver than hooks up the dumpster and lifts it onto the back of the truck where it is secured and hauled off to be emptied. The dumpster then returns to the yard and is ready to be rented out again. This process of repeatedly renting out dumpsters to paying customers is highly profitable. Once the cost of purchasing the dumpsters has been recovered, the only cost associated with the business is paying the salaries PS3 Accessories of the employees and maintaining the fleet of trucks.

